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ICGNC Best Paper Award Regulations
FENG Ru is the first Chinese flight designer and the father of Chinese aviation. LI Ming is a famous expert on aircraft automation and is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The ICGNC establishes the FENG Ru Best Paper Award and the LI Ming Best Paper Award to promote the academics, encourage young scientists to participate in academic activities, further to improve the paper quality and expand conference influence. Accompanying the flourish of the International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC), the poster presentation becomes one of the important ways for academic exchange. To encourage the poster presentation at ICGNC, the “International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control Best Poster Paper Award” is created starting from the ICGNC 2026.
1. Eligibility
The considered papers must satisfy:
1) The paper is accepted by the ICGNC;
2) For FENG Ru Best Paper Award, the first author of the candidate paper must be a student, and the candidate paper is presented by the first author at the conference;
3) For LI Ming Best Paper Award, the candidate must be the first author of the paper and is not a student;
4) For Best Poster Paper Award, the papers written in English or Chinese are eligible.
2. Requirement
The paper should possess important topic, clear contention, correct and scientific argument, clarity of written paper, and explicit intellectual property. Under these premises, the best paper must conform to one of the following conditions:
1) The paper possesses a distinct idea or innovation recognized by the peers;
2) The paper precisely discusses the technological achievements in engineering with innovative content. It proposes new concepts, designs, technologies, and solutions, which cover the concerned issues and difficult problems in the field of guidance, navigation and control. The paper has a strong value to be referred and promoted;
3) The survey paper should include abundant contents and distinct understanding. It should possess potential impact and special value for the development of a specific field;
4) For Best Poster Paper Award, the authors of the candidates should make a well-illustrated poster and present the poster at ICGNC with oral interpretation in English.
3. Procedure
1) The preliminary review committee of the best paper award is established. The chairman is appointed by the chairman of the procedure committee, with a secretary being allocated. Then the appointed chairman nominates committee members, who are valid with the approval of not less than two-thirds members of the procedure committee;
2) For LI Ming Best Paper Award, no more than 6 papers are selected as candidates (The number of Chinese paper and English paper does not exceed 3, respectively.). For FENG Ru Best Paper Award and Best Poster Paper Award, no more than 12 papers are selected as candidates, respectively (The number of Chinese paper and English paper does not exceed 6, respectively.). All the candidates should be excellent scored by at least two reviewers. Note that papers not presented at the ICGNC will be disqualified from the award competition;
3) The final review committee of the best paper award is established. The chairman is appointed by well-recognized experts in related fields, with a secretary being allocated. The committee takes full responsibility of the defense. If a committee member is the co-author of the paper applying for the best paper award, then he or she must avoid the evaluation process;
4) For Best Poster Paper Award, the evaluating criteria consist of both the academic level and quality of exhibition of the candidates;
5) For LI Ming Best Paper Award, no more than 2 paper is awarded at each ICGNC (The number of Chinese paper and English paper does not exceed 1, respectively.). For FENG Ru Best Paper Award and Best Poster Paper Award, no more than 4 papers are awarded at each ICGNC, respectively (The number of Chinese paper and English paper does not exceed 2, respectively.).
4. Award
The best papers elected by these regulations are awarded:
1) A certificate of "ICGNC FENG Ru Best Paper Award" or "ICGNC LI Ming Best Paper Award" or "ICGNC Best Poster Paper Award". The certificate is signed by the chairman of the conference, and sealed by Guidance, Navigation and Control Technical Committee of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
2) Money award.
5. Supplement
1) If any objection of the elected best papers exists, please contact with the ICGNC procedure committee;
2) For candidates with academic misconduct, the qualification for finalist should be canceled. The certificate and money award should be withdrawn. Moreover, an official notification will be sent to the authors’ affliation;
3) The ICGNC procedure committee holds the authority to establish and explain these regulations.