Call for Papers

You can download the full CFPs in English and Chinese here.

International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC) is a biennial event, which is also one of the leading events in Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC). It provides a forum for scientists and engineers over the world to present their new theoretical results and techniques in the fields of GNC. The conference consists of pre-conference tutorials, plenary talks, panel discussions, invited sessions, oral sessions, abstract sessions, and poster sessions for academic exchanges.

The conference papers in English presented at the ICGNC 2026 will be published by  Springer-Nature in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (indexed by EI-Compendex). The extended version of some excellent English papers will be published by  "Guidance, Navigation and Control". The accepted Chinese papers will be published by some famous Journals (including "SCIENTIA SINICA Technologica"   , "SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis", "Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica", "Chinese Journal of Engineering", "Systems Engineering and Electronics","CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems",  "Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics" , "Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics", "Journal of National University of Defense Technology",  "Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University", "Navigation Positioning and Timing", and " Aero Weaponry" .

ICGNC 2026 will be held in Guilin on August 7-9, 2026, following the successes of previous eleven events. It is sponsored by Technical Committee on Guidance, Navigation and Control (TCGNC), Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA), and National Key Laboratory of Aircraft Integrated Flight Control. It is technically co-sponsored by State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology, Technical Committee on Navigation, Guidance and Control (TCNGC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Technical Committee on Unmanned Aerial Systems Autonomous Control (TCUASAC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Technical Committee on Robotics Intelligence (TCRI), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Education Committee(EC),  Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). ICGNC 2026 is organized by Guilin University of Aerospace Technology. We sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference.

Topics of this conference including but not limited to:

A Survey and Discussion H Guidance, Navigation and Control of Other Moving Objects
A1 Development Trends of Guidance, Navigation and Control H1 Missile
A2 Informatization of Movement Objects Applied in Aviation, Aerospace, Marine and Land H2 Aerospace Vehicle and Aerostat
B Control Theory and Analysis H3 Miniature Moving Objects
B1 Robust/Nonlinear/Optimal/Multi-Variables/Adaptive Control H4 Moving Objects on Land
B2 Estimation/Filtering and System Identification I Control of Multiple Moving Objects
B3 Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control I1 Coordination Control of Multiple Moving Objects
B4 New Analysis and Multidisciplinary Optimization Technique I2 Multi-Agent Coordination Perception and Decision
C Intelligent Computing, Communication and Control I3 Coordination Task Allocation and Trajectory Optimization
C1 Nature-Inspired Computing I4 Assembly/Cluster Behavior and Control
C2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning I5 Formation and Reconfiguration
C3 Distributed and Parallel Computing I6 New Technology for GNC Concept in Air Traffic Management
C4 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Perception J Man and Autonomous Unmanned Systems
C5 Deep Learning and Big Data J1 Unmanned Systems Autonomous Control
C6 Hybrid System Modeling and Control J2 Human-machine Hybrid Intelligence
D New Methods of Navigation, Estimation and Tracking J3 Intelligent Control
D1 Optimization and Estimation Theory J4 Tasks and Trajectory Planning
D2 Nonlinear Filtering and Smoothing J5 Real-time Re-Planning Task
D3 Visual Navigation J6 Flight Safety
D4 Integrated Navigation J7 Collaborative Distributed Decision Making
D5 Integrated Detection and Tracking J8 Interconnection
E Guidance, Navigation and Control of Aircraft K Sensor Systems for Guidance, Navigation and Control
E1 Stabilization and Autopilot K1 Advanced Monitoring and Controls
E2 Large Angle-of-Attack and Wide Envelop Flight Control K2 Multi-sensor Information Fusion
E3 Flight Quality and Man-Machine Environment K3 Smart Sensors
E4 Situation Awareness and Decision Support K4 Data Chaining
E5 Structure Control and Flutter Suppression Control L Advanced Design / Simulation Software
F Guidance, Navigation and Control of Spacecraft L1 Simulation Modeling and Simulation Algorithm
F1 Attitude and Orbit Determination and Control L2 Artificial Life and Intelligent Simulation
F2 Power Control L3 Digital Twin Technology and Platform
F3 Task Load Control L4 Virtual Reality and Virtual Prototyping
F4 Remote Measurement and Control L5 System Reliability, Maintainability, Safety and Supportability
G  Guidance, Navigation and Control of Marine Vehicles L6 System Airworthiness Design
G1 Intelligent Perception of Marine Vehicles L7 Specification and Standards
G2 Precise Guidance of Marine Vehicles M Guidance, Navigation and Control Education
G3 Deep Sea Positioning and Navigation M1 Educational Innovation Platforms
G4 Intelligent Instrument for Marine Vehicles M2 Educational Innovation Patterns
G5 Autonomous Control of Marine Vehicles
M3 Educational Innovation Practice


  1. Submit your paper online. Please refer to
  2. If you apply for ICGNC Best Student Paper Award, please refer to Best Student Paper Award.
  3. Organizers of invited sessions should offer a proposal about 1000 words and all invited full papers.

Conference Language:
English / Chinese

Important dates:
1st round paper submission deadline:  January 31, 2026   
1st round paper acceptance notification date:   March 5, 2026   
2nd round paper submission deadline:  March 29, 2026  
2nd round paper acceptance notification date:  April 26, 2026  
Final paper submission deadline: May 17, 2026   
Registration deadline:  May 17, 2026